Do I even need to say this again. Yesterday it snowed...and iced our driveway. As if that wasn't enough, my DH (d..., dear...hubby) took the truck again, leaving me with that van with the now bald tires from the last incident. Oh, and the plow - that has a broken shock and no skid plate on the right side of the plow, but hey, who am I to complain?
So, in a desperate attempt to get up the driveway, I take the van, kids and backpacks, and head up the driveway. I actually made it more than my original 200 feet to about 400 feet and almost killed us when the car spun out of control and landed in a snowbank (the one I created when I - emphasis on 'I' - last plowed). OK, plan B (not that I had a plan B)...back the car down the driveway, around the bend and down the mountain. A slip here and a slide there...made it. OK, unload kids, backpacks and move on to vehicle #2 - the plow. Now, going up the driveway it only made sense to lower the plow and plow 1/2 the driveway (width) on the way up...no problem. But when I got to the top I realized that I HAD to plow the other side down the driveway or 1/2 would ice and the other half would be pavement level. Turn around. Lower plow and down the driveway I go...kids freezing and now complaining that they are officially late for school, while my mind was screaming "DH! How can he take that truck AGAIN and leave me with the van AND the plow! - Who cares about school, we are lucky to be alive - and - you guessed it - NO GAS AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Down to the neighbors as we live on a flaglot and we are the first of two houses, so I had to plow the B's. Back up the driveway I go and now I am ticked. I call Eric "Please tell me you are in the office today because if I have to drive this banging, clunking plow today I am going straight to orbit, and it may not be my usual route of straight there...I might stop at your office before I take off!". As God would have it, he was in the office. "I am dropping off this plow and taking your truck". OK, I unpack the kids (again) and the backpacks (again) and switch trucks. Whew!
We arrive at school and the kids are no longer complaining, rather thankful to be out of the truck and my presence.
Time to pick the kids up. Oh, btw, I carpool and of course, today is my day. Oh, that's right...I have 5 kids and 4 seats in the TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to the van. It is still snowing. I start up the driveway and this time am determined to make it. So, I gun it...the faster the better I figure. Well, same spot, same spinning. You could smell the rubber at my neighbors house I am sure. Tach reading about 4000 RPM (that is bad, right? That yellow and red area...accoring to Eric yellow means go faster so I went faster)....More rubber burning but now the tires are about to pop from lack of rubber. I finally get up the driveway.
Pick up all the kids, drop off the Brennan's and realize that I can't go down their driveway because it hasn't been plowed (now wishing I had the plow to help them out!). Kids walk down driveway and of course one slips and falls...that's not my fault, right? I mean, afterall, it was Eric who botched the whole thing AGAIN. Now I realize we have music tonight and btw, it is still snowing. Get to music. Adam now sick with a fever. Drop Rae off and head home, just to see that driveway covered in snow again. Oh, dare I say it! Wishing I had that stupid plow again. We finally get home safe and sound. Get out, backpacks in and call it a day.
This morning I decide to make ministrone soup (that is a whole other story...I tried to make it yesterday and it turned into a debacle). I cut up all the veggies (oh, it is 3:15 am because Adam is up with fever and sick belly). Get all the seasoning in, tomatoes, beans that, this time, I soaked overnight (that is just one clue as to how the soup went yesterday), broth and in crock pot. There. Turn on high. Adam sleeping now...about 4:30 am. Off to bed I go. Get up at about 8:30 just to find that I never plugged that !@#$!! crockpot in. I can see where this day is going...
So, in a desperate attempt to get up the driveway, I take the van, kids and backpacks, and head up the driveway. I actually made it more than my original 200 feet to about 400 feet and almost killed us when the car spun out of control and landed in a snowbank (the one I created when I - emphasis on 'I' - last plowed). OK, plan B (not that I had a plan B)...back the car down the driveway, around the bend and down the mountain. A slip here and a slide there...made it. OK, unload kids, backpacks and move on to vehicle #2 - the plow. Now, going up the driveway it only made sense to lower the plow and plow 1/2 the driveway (width) on the way up...no problem. But when I got to the top I realized that I HAD to plow the other side down the driveway or 1/2 would ice and the other half would be pavement level. Turn around. Lower plow and down the driveway I go...kids freezing and now complaining that they are officially late for school, while my mind was screaming "DH! How can he take that truck AGAIN and leave me with the van AND the plow! - Who cares about school, we are lucky to be alive - and - you guessed it - NO GAS AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Down to the neighbors as we live on a flaglot and we are the first of two houses, so I had to plow the B's. Back up the driveway I go and now I am ticked. I call Eric "Please tell me you are in the office today because if I have to drive this banging, clunking plow today I am going straight to orbit, and it may not be my usual route of straight there...I might stop at your office before I take off!". As God would have it, he was in the office. "I am dropping off this plow and taking your truck". OK, I unpack the kids (again) and the backpacks (again) and switch trucks. Whew!
We arrive at school and the kids are no longer complaining, rather thankful to be out of the truck and my presence.
Time to pick the kids up. Oh, btw, I carpool and of course, today is my day. Oh, that's right...I have 5 kids and 4 seats in the TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to the van. It is still snowing. I start up the driveway and this time am determined to make it. So, I gun it...the faster the better I figure. Well, same spot, same spinning. You could smell the rubber at my neighbors house I am sure. Tach reading about 4000 RPM (that is bad, right? That yellow and red area...accoring to Eric yellow means go faster so I went faster)....More rubber burning but now the tires are about to pop from lack of rubber. I finally get up the driveway.
Pick up all the kids, drop off the Brennan's and realize that I can't go down their driveway because it hasn't been plowed (now wishing I had the plow to help them out!). Kids walk down driveway and of course one slips and falls...that's not my fault, right? I mean, afterall, it was Eric who botched the whole thing AGAIN. Now I realize we have music tonight and btw, it is still snowing. Get to music. Adam now sick with a fever. Drop Rae off and head home, just to see that driveway covered in snow again. Oh, dare I say it! Wishing I had that stupid plow again. We finally get home safe and sound. Get out, backpacks in and call it a day.
This morning I decide to make ministrone soup (that is a whole other story...I tried to make it yesterday and it turned into a debacle). I cut up all the veggies (oh, it is 3:15 am because Adam is up with fever and sick belly). Get all the seasoning in, tomatoes, beans that, this time, I soaked overnight (that is just one clue as to how the soup went yesterday), broth and in crock pot. There. Turn on high. Adam sleeping now...about 4:30 am. Off to bed I go. Get up at about 8:30 just to find that I never plugged that !@#$!! crockpot in. I can see where this day is going...