Today was a lovely day. Went to football and the game was cancelled (note to self - check email before going to game in the rain). Check. Dropped Adam off and saw my buddy Reggie for awhile and finally got that bagel I so craved this morning. Stayed home until about 4 pm when I read my emails and saw one from my friend, Heather, asking for a Halloween letter "E" for her son Elias (I make decorative letters for children's rooms and this is Elias' first Halloween so it is time for a festive "E"). So I decided to go out and get the supplies and get busy. I thought since it was so beautiful out I would stop on the way home, get some coffee and stop by the barn to see Buddy (my horse).
Went to craft store and bought supplies (and another "E" for Christmas!) and drove straight to Dunkin Donuts for coffee. I stood in line while two teen age boys ordered all sorts of stuff...but who cares - I'm happy. I'm gettin my coffee (whoo-hooo). My turn..."can I help you" the young man behind the counter asks. "Why yes, you can...I'll take a medium decaf black and another medium decaf light and sweet (that one was mine - the other my moms...she always says she likes her coffee like she likes her men - black and strong - lol)". "I'm sorry, ma'am (and don't you HATE when someone young calls you ma'am!) we don't have decaf". Now, I must say. This statement took me by surprise. I actually stood there for about 1 minute silent. Completely silent. And for all who know me, I can't remember the last time I was short on words. SILENT!..."No coffee?" I asked almost with a painful look on my face because this statement still was not registering. "No, ma'am...no decaf". At this point I realize he isn't kidding. He has NO DECAF. And if this boy calls me ma'am one more time I am going to leap over that counter and clock him! (side note - now you know why I was asking for decaf. I see the irony here with my agression toward this young man!).
I looked straight into his lovely blue eyes and said, quite firmly, "this IS Dunkin Donuts, right?!". Now I know what you are all thinking. There went my Chirstian witness. Me with my Jesus necklace on and my fish on the car pulling in listening to worship music and I am about to leap over the counter because I think this is just a cruel joke. I'm not sure which is more cruel. The fact that they had no decaf or the fact that he continues to call me ma'am! "Yes ma'am (there he went again with that ma'am thing), it is and I am sorry, but we don't have decaf" at which point I proceed to the LARGE shelving system RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME that is LOADED with "DECAF" Dunkin Donuts Coffee! I point to it and say "I think you do have decaf. There is an entire wall of it here". This poor guy was wanting to die at this point and says "I only work here" and pointed to the gentleman standing there doing NOTHING. He says "no, we don't have decaf". I looked at my watch....yup...4 pm - NOT AM....looked at the wall of coffee and read CAREFULLY DECAF....nope, not losing my mind. I looked at the older man and said, "But you DO have decaf. You have about 50 bags here.". He comes out from behind the counter and bends over to look real close - as if it were going to morph into something magically. He reads "DECAF" I am sure of it because it said DECAF!. He stands up and says, "no, we don't".
Now you could NOT imagine what went through my mind at this point. The theme song from the Twilight Zone started playing and I went straight into orbit. Right to Pluto. Didn't stop to pass go, didn't collect $200 either. I said, "You have GOT to be kidding me, right (I am thinking this HAS to be Candid Camera and begin looking around for a hidden camera). There is an ENTIRE wall of coffee that says DECAF - unless I have lost my mind and it really doesn't say decaf at all". He looks up right at me and says "Oh, we can't use this. It's 'different'"....
WHAT IN THE @)($*@)($*)@(*$ DOES THAT MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's different! (Now know that I am screaming this next line as I type it) IT'S DUNKIN DONUTS DECAF COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This poor guy. The young guy behind the counter looked at me and tilted his head as if to say, "hey lady, I get it...really I do. It makes no sense to me either", but said nothing. This older man said to me "you can call to complain if you want" at which point I just started laughing at the incredible insanity of it all and said, "why would I do that. You don't have decaf....though there is a wall of it....you tell me it's different, though it looks the same to me and you won't take the bag and make a pot of decaf! - what's the point". Now with NOT a sympathetic bone in his body he looks at me and says (sit down...) "there is another Dunkin Donuts a few miles down the road". I just HAD to say it....I could NOT help myself. I wanted to shut up...really I did. I wanted to say nothing, but I just couldn't. "Do you think THEY have coffee???!!!" and walked out.
And like the feind I am, I drove 4 miles and went to the other dunkin donuts where they actually had decaf...whew. Got my fix but came home bewildered and HAD to blog this one. I swear I don't make this stuff up, really I don't.
Until next time...
Went to craft store and bought supplies (and another "E" for Christmas!) and drove straight to Dunkin Donuts for coffee. I stood in line while two teen age boys ordered all sorts of stuff...but who cares - I'm happy. I'm gettin my coffee (whoo-hooo). My turn..."can I help you" the young man behind the counter asks. "Why yes, you can...I'll take a medium decaf black and another medium decaf light and sweet (that one was mine - the other my moms...she always says she likes her coffee like she likes her men - black and strong - lol)". "I'm sorry, ma'am (and don't you HATE when someone young calls you ma'am!) we don't have decaf". Now, I must say. This statement took me by surprise. I actually stood there for about 1 minute silent. Completely silent. And for all who know me, I can't remember the last time I was short on words. SILENT!..."No coffee?" I asked almost with a painful look on my face because this statement still was not registering. "No, ma'am...no decaf". At this point I realize he isn't kidding. He has NO DECAF. And if this boy calls me ma'am one more time I am going to leap over that counter and clock him! (side note - now you know why I was asking for decaf. I see the irony here with my agression toward this young man!).
I looked straight into his lovely blue eyes and said, quite firmly, "this IS Dunkin Donuts, right?!". Now I know what you are all thinking. There went my Chirstian witness. Me with my Jesus necklace on and my fish on the car pulling in listening to worship music and I am about to leap over the counter because I think this is just a cruel joke. I'm not sure which is more cruel. The fact that they had no decaf or the fact that he continues to call me ma'am! "Yes ma'am (there he went again with that ma'am thing), it is and I am sorry, but we don't have decaf" at which point I proceed to the LARGE shelving system RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME that is LOADED with "DECAF" Dunkin Donuts Coffee! I point to it and say "I think you do have decaf. There is an entire wall of it here". This poor guy was wanting to die at this point and says "I only work here" and pointed to the gentleman standing there doing NOTHING. He says "no, we don't have decaf". I looked at my watch....yup...4 pm - NOT AM....looked at the wall of coffee and read CAREFULLY DECAF....nope, not losing my mind. I looked at the older man and said, "But you DO have decaf. You have about 50 bags here.". He comes out from behind the counter and bends over to look real close - as if it were going to morph into something magically. He reads "DECAF" I am sure of it because it said DECAF!. He stands up and says, "no, we don't".
Now you could NOT imagine what went through my mind at this point. The theme song from the Twilight Zone started playing and I went straight into orbit. Right to Pluto. Didn't stop to pass go, didn't collect $200 either. I said, "You have GOT to be kidding me, right (I am thinking this HAS to be Candid Camera and begin looking around for a hidden camera). There is an ENTIRE wall of coffee that says DECAF - unless I have lost my mind and it really doesn't say decaf at all". He looks up right at me and says "Oh, we can't use this. It's 'different'"....
WHAT IN THE @)($*@)($*)@(*$ DOES THAT MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's different! (Now know that I am screaming this next line as I type it) IT'S DUNKIN DONUTS DECAF COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This poor guy. The young guy behind the counter looked at me and tilted his head as if to say, "hey lady, I get it...really I do. It makes no sense to me either", but said nothing. This older man said to me "you can call to complain if you want" at which point I just started laughing at the incredible insanity of it all and said, "why would I do that. You don't have decaf....though there is a wall of it....you tell me it's different, though it looks the same to me and you won't take the bag and make a pot of decaf! - what's the point". Now with NOT a sympathetic bone in his body he looks at me and says (sit down...) "there is another Dunkin Donuts a few miles down the road". I just HAD to say it....I could NOT help myself. I wanted to shut up...really I did. I wanted to say nothing, but I just couldn't. "Do you think THEY have coffee???!!!" and walked out.
And like the feind I am, I drove 4 miles and went to the other dunkin donuts where they actually had decaf...whew. Got my fix but came home bewildered and HAD to blog this one. I swear I don't make this stuff up, really I don't.
Until next time...