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Monday, April 12, 2010

What's wrong with this picture!

A barn with no horse in it and a hose in someone else's barn! What's wrong with this picture! Other than everything...nothing! Ok, so this is the story of my life. We decide to move. To Chester that is. Notice we never made it to Chester. Nope. God had other plans. So, we moved from Long Valley to Long Valley, but the kicker is that our new home has a beautiful barn. I had two horses, but one has passed away, and the other we are paying to board somewhere else. Is that hysterical! We are PAYING SOMEONE ELSE to keep our horse when we have a beautiful barn AND a paddock, AND a ring and NO horse in it. For the money we pay someone else, we could use for food and keep him here. The benefit of boarding him somewhere else? I don't have to muck stalls twice a day and do turnouts every morning and each night. But, I don't have my boy here, either. I cannot ride when I want to (hhhmmm...not sure I could ride even if he WAS here right now....my arm is in a sling due to a recent surgery...well it SHOULD be in a sling right now, but then I cannot type....that's another story all together!).

Where was I? Oh yes...riding. No, barn. That's it. So I have done my research, have bids out on expanding the paddock, have cleaned the barn and it is ready for hay and of course, horses. I have been on a search for another Percheron. Actually I found one...Captain. The hitch is that he is in Ohio. Well, not a hitch for me, but is for Eric. $800 adoption fee (ridable - he is a rescue from being a carriage horse) and about $800 to ship him, but Eric is not on board with the whole thing. I don't really get it, but whatever.

So, this post is pretty much done. A horse and a barn....neither together. Someday soon I hope. Someday soon. Until next time...