Yup. That is what my sister just said. As I sat here, I said, "Boy, I have nothing to blog about. I used to blog and blog and blog". Her reply? "There's plenty to blog about...have you seen your family?" OK, so what does that mean? I thought we were pretty normal. Well, I know "normal" is a relative term, but comparitively, I really did think we were normal. Well, having just asked Terri what she meant, the only name that came up (over and over mind you) was Adam. Fancy that.
He is our wild child. Always has been. His pendulum does NOT ever rest in the middle. He is either WAY happy or WAS upset. This morning...it was the latter. He went to bed late, which equates to whine and cry mornings. To the point where I actually took him into the office and spanked him. I haven't spanked him in like a year (hhhhmmmm....maybe there is a correlation....need to ponder that one). He can't find his belt, he hasn't eaten, we're gonna be late, he didn't take his medicine...he DID take his medicine. Now let me see if I can type it the way I hear it....(remember to raise your voice 3 octives when you read it)..."I caaaaaan't find my belttttttttttt...I haven't eeeeeaaaattttteeeeeeennnnn....wwweeeeeeee'rrrrrrrrreeee gonna be late...I diiiiiiiiidn't take my meeeeeedddddiiiiiccccciiiinnnnneeee....I DDDDDDIIIIIIIIDDDDDD take my mmmmeeeeddddiiiicccciiiinnnneeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And on and on it went. I was upstairs the whole time and could feel the reverbiration of the whine all the way up there. The more I write the more I realize this isn't even funny. In fact, it is annoying. Then after he composed himself, Terri told me on the way to school they had a talk. About the whining you ask? No...about a beach/boardwalk we found yesterday. I said it is too expensive to go. Even if we were conservative we would drop $200. So Terri came up with an idea. She suggested to the kids that they save their money and then we can go. Adam's response? "Where are YOU gonna get money". Terri said "Let me worry about that". Then Adam asked if Aunt Terri thought if he paid for his rides and games would I pay him back! There is the mindset of my wild child. Answer to that one.....a resounding NO!
Quite the car ride I would imagine. I just thankful I wasn't there. She is a kid like them and when I am in the car I have to reprimand them ALL....yes....that includes Aunt Terri. Living with extended family is quite unique...sister....mother....kids....husband in the middle of it all....Lord bless his soul!
Until next time...
He is our wild child. Always has been. His pendulum does NOT ever rest in the middle. He is either WAY happy or WAS upset. This morning...it was the latter. He went to bed late, which equates to whine and cry mornings. To the point where I actually took him into the office and spanked him. I haven't spanked him in like a year (hhhhmmmm....maybe there is a correlation....need to ponder that one). He can't find his belt, he hasn't eaten, we're gonna be late, he didn't take his medicine...he DID take his medicine. Now let me see if I can type it the way I hear it....(remember to raise your voice 3 octives when you read it)..."I caaaaaan't find my belttttttttttt...I haven't eeeeeaaaattttteeeeeeennnnn....wwweeeeeeee'rrrrrrrrreeee gonna be late...I diiiiiiiiidn't take my meeeeeedddddiiiiiccccciiiinnnnneeee....I DDDDDDIIIIIIIIDDDDDD take my mmmmeeeeddddiiiicccciiiinnnneeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And on and on it went. I was upstairs the whole time and could feel the reverbiration of the whine all the way up there. The more I write the more I realize this isn't even funny. In fact, it is annoying. Then after he composed himself, Terri told me on the way to school they had a talk. About the whining you ask? No...about a beach/boardwalk we found yesterday. I said it is too expensive to go. Even if we were conservative we would drop $200. So Terri came up with an idea. She suggested to the kids that they save their money and then we can go. Adam's response? "Where are YOU gonna get money". Terri said "Let me worry about that". Then Adam asked if Aunt Terri thought if he paid for his rides and games would I pay him back! There is the mindset of my wild child. Answer to that one.....a resounding NO!
Quite the car ride I would imagine. I just thankful I wasn't there. She is a kid like them and when I am in the car I have to reprimand them ALL....yes....that includes Aunt Terri. Living with extended family is quite unique...sister....mother....kids....husband in the middle of it all....Lord bless his soul!
Until next time...