This is what you find. A thrashed barn. The day before this, Trent decided the grass was greener on the other side of the fence.....LITERALLY....and broke thru the gate to get to the other side. 
He pulled up concrete and all! I awoke yesterday to "R, Trent is outside in the back yard with no halter on". OK....that is NEVER good. Especially since there was panic in the delivery. As I jumped out of bed (on my one lame leg and other recovering knee) and ran downstairs, I was feverishly trying to get the cobwebs out of my eyes and head. I could hardly believe my ears. And if that wasn't enuf, I find out as I get downstairs that they caught him, but that I am NOT going to be happy when I see what the barn looked like. This picture is but a smidge of the damage that he did. Somehow he got out. I am convinced there is a horsey burglar and once they saw how beautiful Trent was they came by to steal him. But once they saw him in action, they left him for me. He managed to get into EVERY bag of feed...even the ones we CAN'T open. He managed to get them ALL open. He thrashed the barn...turned over everything. So, we cannot put them in the ring cuz the ring is broken....remember, Trent did that yesterday. So Terri and I start (early) on the hunt for all the stuff we need to fix the barn. Wheelbarrow (bigger than the one we had)....ANOTHER 32 gallon gigundo garbage pail with lid to put all the opened bags of food. And of course Trenton couldn't do this BEFORE I get a huge shipment of food and bedding....NNNNNOOOOOO.....He waits until AFTER the shipment comes. We needed pitchforks, bags, pails, bell boots (cuz Buddy threw a shoe and took a hunk out of his hoof), rope halters with knots for control of Trent....whew. After that, we came home. Just in time to do all the work while it was 98 degrees and humid as all get out. I had to transfer horse from stall to stall to muck the stalls. Then, bathe both cuz both were covered in muck from being in stalls all day. Then the real work began. It took four of us well over three hours to clean up all the mess he made.
This coming the day after he killed the ring....gate and all. (see above). OK, so "Hey R, Trent is out" should no longer be a surprise to me. In fact, I almost expect to come home these days to NO horses in the ring. My Buddy....well what can I say except that when I went out to the barn yesterday and you would not believe what I saw. Buddy had a glowing halo hanging over his head. He becomes more angelic each day that passes. So, I'm up, sore and heading back to horseman's outlet for yet more horse stuff. If Trenton wasn't so darn handsome I think I'd give him the boot. However, with that said....
Until next time...