ok...so I posted that I can eat poinon ivy and not get it...that I can roll around in it without catching it...which was the case my entire life UNTIL I posted that!
In doing so much yard work the last two weeks, and coming into contact with it OVER and OVER, I guess it was just too much for my body to ignore. And of course, I cannot wear gloves while gardening because I like to feel God's earth in my hands...and why should I wear pants while gardening? Afterall, I NEVER get poison ivy, right?
WRONG. This picture is but a bit of what I am dealing with and dare I tell you where it all is? OK, I wore a bathing suit every day because, if you remember, Michelle and Jim have a built in pool...part of the benefit of landscaping their yard, right? And why should I change every day when I got hot to a bathing suit? So I just wore the bathing suit under a bathing suit cover up each day. And I DISTINCTLY remember WHEN it was that I pulled SO hard on a weed that I fell over backwards when it finally released....sending me backwards into the pit of hell...so yes, I have poison ivy ALL over my hands and arms, ALL over my ankles and feet (because why should I wear sneakers when flip flops is all I need!) and, yes you guessed it, all over my butt from being hurled backlong into a patch of the poison madness! And it seems to be getting worse and worse by the day, which tells me that I have the oils somewhere that I keep coming into contact with....but what? Everything has been washed and I am 4 hours from home...you have GOT to be kidding me! My arms itch, my legs and feet itch and my ass itches! About the only place that I DON'T have the poison blisters that weep is on my torso...yup....thanking God for one piece bathing suits.
So....my lesson here? Don't offer help to anyone? Don't brag that something that bothers the entire free population does not bother me? Wear gloves while weeding? Wear sneakers and socks? Wear clothes? Nah....my lesson here....CHEMICALS....That's it! CHEMICALS! Next time I will use chemicals to kill that bad boy poison madness! And until then I must continue to use CHEMICALS on my skin in an attempt to kill this nasty stuff blistering and weeping ALL OVER my body. And just for the record, I am upstate New York, you know...where the deer and the antelope play?!! Nearest doctor or hospital....an hour away. How do I know that? Yup, Adam split his head open here somoe years ago....that's how! Oh, that WOULD make a good blog story....
Until next time my friends....