why ANY hair product would be named "SPLAT"......wonder no more. Raechyl had a blue section of hair underneath. It was fading, as blue always does. So she decided she wanted it pink for October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month.....very admirable. So we went out and got "SPLAT".
And that is where the mess.....um....I mean story begins. She HAD to have it done TODAY.....I wanted to wait a few days until she had more time and was less stressed out, but NO.....HAD to be today. OK......I'm hair savvy. I read the box, nixed the bleach as her hair had been bleached to put the blue in. So I took out the pink (NEON pink) and put the gloves on and made sure NOT to get it on anything as it was very clear that it stains everything....especially the skin!

So I got my gloves on, sectioned the hair (like the "professional" I am) and away we went. At first we were fine, then the more I put on, the messier it got...some dropping on the floor resulting in a panicked scream, "ADAM! HELP!!!!!" So as he was scrubbing the tiles, I was dropping more and more hot pink dye EVERYWHERE....including the poor kids neck, shoulder and arm.....but what's a girl to do but to go on. Once the dye was on the hair (amongst other places) I bagged the hair in an attempt to minimize the damage. Then I went to work scrubbing the skin....and I DO mean scrubbing. Scrubbing to the point that it became difficult to determine which was the dye and what was skin discolored from the scrubbing. And worst yet was that it wasn't coming off...so in my infinite wisdom I decided laundry bleach should do the trick. So again, I scrubbed the already burned skin with laundry bleach to no avail. Then as a last ditch effort I took the hair bleach that the package came with, mixed it up and layered it on the skin. Now at this point, Raechyl was running around the kitchen in circles SCREAMING that it was burning and to get it off....so I did. And I did so by, yes you guessed it, scrubbing it off. All this was a useless effort as NONE of it worked. It has been two weeks now. The dye has faded to a barely visible shade of lavender, but that pink on her skin is going strong. She is thankful it is cold here as she has worn long sleeves since and also has not worn her hair up.
As I see it, I was doing what mom's do.....help your kids. However, this experience changed Raechyl, and perhaps forever. She has made a definitive declaration that she will NEVER dye her hair again. She is "DONE" with dying hair....black, blue, pink - she doesn't care if she turns grey at the age of 17.....she will NEVER do color on her hair again - poor thing.
As I see it, I am simply keeping a future therapist employed. By the time I get done with them, they will be good for AT LEAST a few years of therapy.
Look, my parents kept a therapist employed for nearly ten years, the least I could do is keep a future therapist employed, keeping the generational expectations fulfilled.
Until next time....