I never posted all the things that went wrong with all (and I mean all) my electronic devices which included a digital picture frame, new computer, old computer, ipod (actually two ipods), blackberry curve and Nikon D80 camera and vacuum (twice in the last month - everything else happened in the course of literally 5 days)...today I will add clothes dryer to the list. What's a girl to do?
I still want to post how I met my friend, Alicia, but this headache has me feeling crummy and not at all creative...as a matter of fact, it has me feeling "not at all". Maybe tomrrow I will feel more like me.
Tomorrow is Raechyl's long awaited birthday party...we will see Chris Tomlin in concert. Thank God for friends - tried and true. Sharon, once again, is pulling the load in helping me keep it all together because Eric will be in Florida (timing is everything). Tonight we are celebrating Eric's birthday because he will not be here for his...I keep asking myself how I am going to pull myself together by 5! I bought him a digital picture frame for his birthday and went to load it today. Maybe I will post the little blurb (I know, nothing is a little blurb that comes out of my mouth) about my electronics because you would then understand what a ridiculous thing it was for me to buy a digital picture frame. Suffice it to say that this one is no different than the one we bought for his father for Christmas. It is still sitting on the counter loaded with who knows what because I finally gave up.
So, Eric will turn 43 tonight, his gift is not wrapped, not even together because I give up, his other gift (a silver envelope opener engraved) fell in the dog's water bowl, so that is drying off next to the picture frame, my stomach is turning and I have blurred vision, I have absolutely NO idea how to cook the pork I bought for dinner, he saw his cake yesterday and I have to tell him it is costing over $600 to "fix" the dryer...Happy Birthday, Eric!
Headaches ROT!