OK, well maybe when it came to Chaco, it was mine...but the rest...well...maybe I wanted to give them a home so they wouldn't die being let go outside, but they annoy the living daylights out of me. Chaco is quiet (most of the time), funny, beautiful and has a great vocabulary. These cockatiels, however, can do nothing but chirp ALL DAY LONG! And I mean, ALL DAY. It doesn't bother Mina and quite frankly I think because she is hard of hearing so it must sound sweet to her - like a melody. Rae and Adam are at school all day so when they DO hear it, it isn't so bad. Eric...same thing. BUT for me, who gets far too many headaches and has far too few patience, THEY ARE KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone want 2 pearl cockatiels - male and female and a white (solid, beautiful white) pied cockatiel??
SQUEEK, SQUEEK, SQUEEK all day long starting at about 6:30 am to the point that this morning I actually prayed for God to "shut them up"...how pathetic is that. Ironically, I want to open the door and let them fly away, which is how they got here in the first place...now I know why a complete stranger was going to let them fly away and was desperate to get rid of the two and why someone let the white one fly away that it ended up at our barn! I get it now. And, of course, I could NEVER let Eric hear this. He was the one who boycotted the action..."NO"..."Over my dead body" (don't tempt me, I thought), "We don't need more birds" and so on. And of course all I could quip back was "but they are homeless". Eric said "there are lots of homeless birds and we cannot take them all"...but I didn't want to take them ALL, just 3 of them. And, now, I sit here...head aching...bewildered as to how I could have wanted these three screaming, non-stop chirping, obnoxious birds!
Somewhere in the recess of my mind I recall a famous quote that goes something like this, "be careful of what you wish for...". OK, so maybe I did wish for an aviary, maybe I did wish to save the animal world, maybe I did think beauty would prevail over annoying, maybe I did not think the whole thing through, but this is pure torture! Torture enough that I just went and got another cage and took the boisterous female and put her in it alone...afterall, she is the problem (does this resemble real life? Females being the verbose ones, the ones that can be the racket in the house? Of course NOT). I chuckle at the whole thing, thinking God has the BEST sense of humor. So for now, we have 3 (count them, three!) bird cages. Chaco, prince that he is, has the best cage all alone - his castle (oh, and a perch the size of a small apple tree), the two boys have a very large cage for themselves and Bonnie, well she is stuck in the smallest cage, in the TV room (maybe Mina will annoy her with the TV volume at 24!) with hopes of shutting her up.
Still waiting to share the Alicia story. Sometime when the birds haven't fried my nerves. As for Heather, the LORD answered many prayers, one of which is that they have a court date in March in which, if God sees to it, they will get definitive travel plans and a date to go pick up Elias from half way around the world and "Bring Elias Home..." We praise you lord! Now, can you make these birds SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!