I went to a friend's house yesterday for lunch. I told Karen that I haven't blogged in such a long time and that as I lay in bed thinking, I just couldn't come up with anything worth blogging about. Nothing remotely funny has happened to me of late. Now I am not sure that it is a bad thing...sometime no news is good news, but I did want to blog. So, just like any good friend would, Karen gave me something to blog about...
As we were sitting at the table outside eating, Karen brought out a roll of paper towels. We used the last one while we were eating and John, he is 4 (and a RIOT), took the empty roll and put it to his mouth as if it were a bull horn and yelled "I am the cheerleader of the family"...and laughed. I was not sure what that was all about and when I asked, he said that daddy does that. And sometimes, he adds, Daddy takes a toilet paper roll and puts it to his mouth and yells that he is the "Mini Cheerleader" of the family. Karen began laughing so hard tears were rolling down her sweet cheeks. At that point, she explained...
Our husbands are called to be family leaders both spiritually and otherwise. But with Karen and me home all day with our children, we tend to be those leaders for our children...but then who leads us? Karen said that she was telling her husband, Steve, that he needed to be the spiritual leader in their home. He agreed and said he was. They decided to ask their children. They went around the room to 3 of their 4 children (if "Ephan" could talk, I am guessing his answer would be the same). "OK, who is the spiritual leader in our home, Grace?"..."Mommy"..."Luke?"..."Mommy"..."John?"..."Mommy"...hhhhmmmm....sounds like mommy is. So, Steve decided to make it known to his family that HE is the spiritual leader in their home. And in a last ditch effort to convince him that he was, he picked up an empty paper towel roll, held it to his mouth and yelled "I am the spiritual leader of the family". He apparently even takes the toilet paper ones and yells thru them, "I am the mini spiritual leader of the family". Well to precious John, it sounds like "I am the cheerleader of the family" and that is what he says. Now, to have watched this take place was just hysterical. Karen was laughing so hard she was crying, I was literally howling and John was thinking we were both nuts!
So, there you have it. Steve THINKS he is the SPIRITUAL LEADER of the family, but in reality, his children see him as the CHEERLEADER of the family. Well, Steve, at least they love you enough to let you run around the house yelling through toilet paper tubes and papertowel tubes and still have respect for you - LOL! I would give absolutely ANYTHING to be a fly on the wall in this home. I am thinking I would NEVER be short on something to blog with the DeBeus'.
Thank you, my friend, for allowing me the privelege of sharing this wonderful child story with the world! Until next time...(and it just may be another DeBeus story...)