"Hey, R, Let's go see the sights in Kansas City". "Why Kansas City?" Eric replies, "Because that's where the sights are". "Eric, there are plenty of sights somewhere closer I am sure". Eric, rather perplexed, replies "R, the sights are in Kansas City and I just want to go there". Now, at this point, I am hearing the infamous "Who's on first" play with Abbott and Costello. So, once again, I try to get him to understand that we don't have to drive half way across the country to see sights..."Eric, really. I understand you want to see the sights in Kansas City, but I am thinking we should probably stay closer to home, maybe upstate New York". At this point, he is rather insistant. "R, look. I know you don't want to drive half way across the country, but if we are going to see the sights, that is where we have to go". OK, in my head I am thinking this man is either drinking or has completely lost his head. I am trying to be patient but at this point I feel like I am talking to a wall. So, with a little more insistance, I say, "Eric, I am sure there are plenty of sights to see right here. I don't think we have to drive to Kansas City to see sights. I am not even sure there are any sights worth seeing in Kansas City..." at which point he starts laughing. Now, mind you, I find NOTHING funny here at all. My husband is trying to convince me to drive half way across the country with two children (and if you know the way Eric drives, you would know I will be in the back seat with sunglasses on and my ipod in my ears because I don't want to see my death coming). I ask, "What is so funny". He replies, "R, I don't mean see the sights, as in things to see, I mean see the Seitz, as in Derek, Allyson, Cara, Paige, Ben and Lily...friends of ours that moved to Kansas City two years ago.
So, On August 8, we are leaving to drive half way across the country to see the Seitz!
Until next time...
So, On August 8, we are leaving to drive half way across the country to see the Seitz!
Until next time...