I guess that is what happens when you just don't sleep. I haven't really slept (to speak of) in almost 3 days now and the worst part of it is that I have no idea why! I am exhausted and will fall asleep for an hour then up again. So, at this point, if I happen to fall asleep during the day, I go with it and sleep. I am sure that is not helping my sleeping "patterns", but I'm simply exhausted.
So Rae and I have been coloring lately. It is SO cathartic for me and we love it. But Becky slept over last nigh and she and Becky took the markers and went into the basement to watch movies and color. So, that left me with no coloring "tools" and no coloring books. So I dug out my old (and I DO mean old) sketch pad and decided to draw something. Nothing I draw comes from my own head. I have to see it somewhere or something like it and then I can bring it to the next level, but I, alone, am not creative. So I decided to draw an eagle. I love what the eagle stands for in America. Freedom. Majestic Beauty. Strength. Power. and Lord knows I LOVE the American Flag. That red, white and blue just brings me to tears And to marry the two together, well that, to me, is a symbol of profound liberty, freedom, strength and a love for this country that I cannot hide.
The funny thing was that I had my sketch pad. No pencils (weren't sure where they were since I haven't sketched in forever) and all I had was a few pens. So this eagle is done in pretty much red and blue pens with a little brown and yellow thrown in. It still isn't done, but as soon as I publish this, I'm going to sit down and finish it. I could use some "therapy" right now and art is mine.
So, until next time…...