OK, it has been how long since I last posted??? Boy o boy. I have been in a pit of fatigue. Really stinks. I have sat here time and time again...wanting to write, just too darn tired to think of what to write. So, I'll fill you in on the by-gones. Rae is in Washington D.C. from last Saturday until tomorrow at a National Youth Leadership Conference. Can hardly believe it. My little girl has grown up and spent her first week away from home. She was fine...me - not so much. I had stomach trouble the entire day. Stopped seven times on the way down. Met some friends in Maryland afterwards for dinner. Stopped seven times on the way home and continued to throw up all night long. Is that pathetic or what. Can you imagine what would happen to me if my child didn't come home one night - like blew off curfew?
Then, Adam's birthday is today. I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER NOT made a fancy cake three days early and have cupcakes made two days in advance, but not this time. I was up at 4 am making cupcakes and frosting them at noon so I can leave here in an hour to run to school to celebrate his birthday with his class. Still no cake. Adam told me this morning he wants to make it with me tonight...whew. Kids are so forgiving and pliable. They don't even notice mom lagging behind. I'll tell ya, it is really weird with Raech gone. She is 6 years older than Adam. I guess this is a little taste of what is to come.
Cute, right? Not so much anymore. My dog is lucky to be alive. Lucky to be breathing another breath of air this morning. He had, since we got him (and by the way, we spent a small fortune to save his life about a month after we took him home from a shelter that he was at for over 2 years!) marked our sun room. No where else....just the sun room. My EX-favorite room in the house. Encased in beautiful long windows on every wall, white carpet, plants, serene. Until Lance. It got so bad that I actually got baby gates to close off that room (I did, however, consider tying him to the bumper and driving as fast as I could up that driveway of mine). Now, no one goes in that room cause of the pee and poop stench and stains, but I was just flat out sick and tired of cleaning poop and pee every day. And there is NO reason the dog should do this. This has gone on for nearly three years! He is out all day long. In, plays with kids, eats, goes out at night and then, he sneaks around and poops and pees. OK, so I closed off that room. Nearly a week went by and I thought, "Finally, we have this thing licked" and then it happened....
Lance peed and pooped in the DINING ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a beautiful area rug in there made of silk and let me tell you, I went straight to Pluto again! Eric cleaned it up and I gave Lance the benefit of doubt and thought perhaps we didn't take him out after he ate that night. Then there was last night. Out all day, in, ate, out last night, in again. This morning at 4 am while I was baking cupcakes I thought I should check that room and HE DID IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is ABSOLUTELY NO reason for this. So, I figure he is lucky to be breathing cause if I had my way, he would be right back in that shelter. He has single-handedly (or pawed?) destroyed our home that Eric has worked so hard to furnish! And, let me tell you. Anyone who knows me knows that is a mouthful for me to say. I adopt every animal I come across. I am the biggest animal lover out there. I have 4 birds, a horse, a guinea pig and THAT DARN DOG. And, I was the one who cried to have him (save him). I'll tell ya, I just don't know what to do with that dog...actually, I have a few ideas of what I can do with him, none of which are acceptable to my husband. I actually ran down the stairs to Eric's office this morning and screamed, "that dog SHIT in the dining room again"....and I NEVER swear (oh, I did recently when he left me with that darn jeep that lurched forward while getting gas and nearly took down the gas pump - remember?). Lance makes me lose my mind completely. What's a girl to do.
So, clearly the $4700.00 a month in drugs isn't cutting it anymore cuz of Lance, my stomach surgery comes back to haunt me when my kids are gone (sorry Eric), my Cambodian friend is leaving for a week and leaving me with my mom alone during spring break, Eric is working, we have no plans and an illegal drug habit no longer seems so bad!
All kidding aside (drugs are NOT $4700 a month, I am NOT considering another drug habit and I still want to kill Lance), I thought I would post something to get my mind off myself.
While typing, my mom asked me how I was feeling. "Tired, as usual" I told her. She told me that perhaps I need to see another doctor cause something might be wrong with my head...HELLO! I don't need a doctor to tell me that! She corrected herself and said that she didn't mean another doctor to check my head, but another doctor to check my hormones. Now, I don't know about you, but neither of those sounds right to me. I just asked her to quit while she was ahead...
Until next time...