So, Katie, when I am able to get a message to you, you will know I think about you often, as does Eric. I stink at correspondance, as each and every one of my friends will testify to. I don't return phone calls, I don't write letters anymore, I rarely send cards and the fact that I have even one single friend still fascinates me. God is good!
I might as well add...After workout I will see Alicia, drop Raechyl off at the barn and go to get my butt whooped by Adam in bowling. The 7 year old. Yup - no bumpers and NO gutters for him. Nope - the real deal. He is a naturally gifted athlete - excels at each and every sport he plays. And me - well - not so much. I am the natural artist - spacey - ditzy at times - loyal to those I love.
Well, gotta go. Just wanted to voice my complaint about Twitter - anyone agree? It just occurred to me that all I do on blogspot is complain. Next blog will have to be boasting of some good.
Maybe complaining is what I do best. Lord knows my sarcastic sense of humor gets me thru. I am blessed that my friends understand it and take me lightly. God even blessed me with one other sarcastic friend, but I won't mention your name, Kelly.
Until next time...