I hate to beat a dead horse, but I really think I am going to get that Mother-of-the-Year award this year. My mom's friends came over today. They used to be my neighbors growing up and they are just wonderful ladies...way fun. They got here at about 11 am. Now I was under a tight schedule today. Kristen was picking Adam up at 1:15 to go to a party about 20 minutes away. I was to leave here by 1:30-1:45 to drop Raechyl at Kristens house and pick him up from the party and take him to the doctor by 3:30 in Morristown. We had lunch...Marilyn made chili and cornbread (yum) and we were just yakking away. We had dessert, coffee and more yummy conversation. We began to talk about Marilyn's husband, Henry. He is an artist of a very unique nature...he sculpts art from scrap metal (henry-simon.com). So I went to the computer to check out his site and that is when it happened.
The time was 2:20 - panic mode. I start yelling for Raechyl to hurry up and come here...I flipped over the keyboard and nearly knocked the chair over trying to get my shoes on and grab my jacket all the while still yelling for my near scared-to-death daughter who thought I was hurt. "We HAVE to go....NOW....I am going to be late to get Adam to the doctor". Now, I won't mention that I get lost in a mall and I have absolutely NO idea where this party is and consider leaving Raechyl at home to avoid the extra 3 minutes it will take to drop her off. OK, no, get myself together, hopping down the sidewalk with one boot on and the other in my hand, coat slung over my shoulder and my 12 year old running behine me. I kissed the ladies bye before I ran out and made my exit.
We get about a mile down the road and I realize I cannot possibly make it to the doctor until 4 pm BEST CASE SCENARIO. So, I call the doc, explain I will be late and they inform me that now, I have to reschedule. I might add a minor detail...it took nearly 5 weeks to get this doctor appointment because they are a specialist. Adam has some belly issues and takes medicine for it. We ran out and I had to call in for refills. No, Dr. Youseff, who used to be his doctor, used to give us 12 refills and called it a day. Well, Dr. Youseff no longer works at Goryeb Children's Hospital so now I have to see a different doctor and start from square one again.
I rescheduled for May, take Rae to Kristen's house and sat in my car thinking of how many times I have spaced things off like Adam's first day of school - leaving my child at their aunt's house once - going shopping with no wallet....I could go on and on. I decided what was done was done. So what is a girl to do?
That's right - go to the barn. Straight to the barn - do not pass go - do not collect $200. I took Buddy out of the quagmire of mud and spent the next two hours grooming and loving on him. I did get to go to Kristen's and have a wonderful dinner that the kids cooked for us. Does anyone other than me see the irony here? Kids cooking dinner for the mom that can't get her kid to a doctor on time!
Well, that's my life. In the end, my child is healthy...he got to stay for the entire party instead of leaving early...my daughter got to spend extra time with her friend...Buddy got at least 7 hours of clean before being put back out in the mud pit...I got to eat dinner with my friend's and kids and in the end, we are all alive and well. I guess, that is all that matters.
Oh, one last thing. I was pretty clear today when I left that the ladies were to take the apple turnovers AND the basket of candy home...DO NOT leave it here is what I said (actually, that might be an exact quote). They agreed and I ran. I came home to about 8 apple turnovers and then entire bowl of candy still on the table. So what did I do? Ate the ENTIRE bowl of candy and left the apple turnovers for the next guy (thank God I don't like them).
So, thank you, Ladies, for a wonderful day. It was wonderful to see them. My pants don't button anymore, I feel sick to my stomach and I am breaking out like the black plague in a third world country.
Until next time...
The time was 2:20 - panic mode. I start yelling for Raechyl to hurry up and come here...I flipped over the keyboard and nearly knocked the chair over trying to get my shoes on and grab my jacket all the while still yelling for my near scared-to-death daughter who thought I was hurt. "We HAVE to go....NOW....I am going to be late to get Adam to the doctor". Now, I won't mention that I get lost in a mall and I have absolutely NO idea where this party is and consider leaving Raechyl at home to avoid the extra 3 minutes it will take to drop her off. OK, no, get myself together, hopping down the sidewalk with one boot on and the other in my hand, coat slung over my shoulder and my 12 year old running behine me. I kissed the ladies bye before I ran out and made my exit.
We get about a mile down the road and I realize I cannot possibly make it to the doctor until 4 pm BEST CASE SCENARIO. So, I call the doc, explain I will be late and they inform me that now, I have to reschedule. I might add a minor detail...it took nearly 5 weeks to get this doctor appointment because they are a specialist. Adam has some belly issues and takes medicine for it. We ran out and I had to call in for refills. No, Dr. Youseff, who used to be his doctor, used to give us 12 refills and called it a day. Well, Dr. Youseff no longer works at Goryeb Children's Hospital so now I have to see a different doctor and start from square one again.
I rescheduled for May, take Rae to Kristen's house and sat in my car thinking of how many times I have spaced things off like Adam's first day of school - leaving my child at their aunt's house once - going shopping with no wallet....I could go on and on. I decided what was done was done. So what is a girl to do?
That's right - go to the barn. Straight to the barn - do not pass go - do not collect $200. I took Buddy out of the quagmire of mud and spent the next two hours grooming and loving on him. I did get to go to Kristen's and have a wonderful dinner that the kids cooked for us. Does anyone other than me see the irony here? Kids cooking dinner for the mom that can't get her kid to a doctor on time!
Well, that's my life. In the end, my child is healthy...he got to stay for the entire party instead of leaving early...my daughter got to spend extra time with her friend...Buddy got at least 7 hours of clean before being put back out in the mud pit...I got to eat dinner with my friend's and kids and in the end, we are all alive and well. I guess, that is all that matters.
Oh, one last thing. I was pretty clear today when I left that the ladies were to take the apple turnovers AND the basket of candy home...DO NOT leave it here is what I said (actually, that might be an exact quote). They agreed and I ran. I came home to about 8 apple turnovers and then entire bowl of candy still on the table. So what did I do? Ate the ENTIRE bowl of candy and left the apple turnovers for the next guy (thank God I don't like them).
So, thank you, Ladies, for a wonderful day. It was wonderful to see them. My pants don't button anymore, I feel sick to my stomach and I am breaking out like the black plague in a third world country.
Until next time...