I am beginning to think I lost my brain, truly, somewhere along the way. I went to "Oz" the other day (on FB) to get a brain and the Wizzard said he already gave the brain to the Scarecrow. With that said...
Last night I was checking in on Facebook, which I rarely do anymore. I usually get about 15 minutes on the computer each day - if I'm lucky. So, right before I went to bed last night, I got a glass of diet gingerale, sat down at the computer and do I really need to say what happened next?! I was typing away on my wireless keyboard (wireless is necessary to know and you'll see why in about a sentence or two) and it happened...the very thing I have drilled into my children's heads is 'NEVER sit at MY computer with a drink or food - NEVER!' I did. I put the drink right down next to the keyboard, started typing and reached over for the mouse and yes, the entire glass of gingerale dumped ALL over my keyboard. In an absolute panic, I took the keyboard (and this is where the wireless part comes in) and ran to the kitchen sink, turned on the water and began to spray the keyboard because I was afraid it would get sticky. HELLO!!!!!!! It NEVER dawned on me that the water spraying cannot be good for it either. About half way through the soaking, it occurred to me..."UGH, this CANNOT be good for the keyboard" and I turned off the water. With my tail hanging between my legs, just amazed at how blonde I can be at times, I went, got a dishtowel and began to furiously wipe.
Sit down at the computer with my spiffy clean keyboard and NOTHING...nada...zip...zilcho...nine (german for none). UGH. I HATE computers, phones, texting, email and anything else that has to do with technology because they hate me, too. As a matter of fact, I think they hated me first!
Suffice it to say I have had one high end IPOD jump into a lake, 1 brand new Blackberry (with no insurance I might add) vibrate its way off the kitchen counter into the dog's water bowl in the middle of the night, a NikonD80 decide to stop taking pictures and I can go on but will leave the rest up to your imagination.
I am at school right now, on a quick break because this keyboard actually works. I might add that Eric was absolutely unwilling to even think about helping me to salvage the accessories (my mouse decided to side with the keyboard and stop working as well). So, it seems I am on my own here. I think I am going to fast from computers again...maybe they need some time away from me. And the worst part is I am nice to them. I don't swear at them, I don't throw them around, bang on the keys and give them plenty of down time.
One more thing - OT - Lance peed on my dining room drape and floor this morning (or last night - not sure which) and yes, the pee went right down the duct (heating and air conditioning) so I am sure the entire house will reek like urine for the next 75 years. The drapes were, of course, custom made and sit right next to that silk rug. So, I actually thought about tying him to the shelter door and leaving him there, but Raechyl won't hear of it. The drapes cannot be drycleaned, only hand cleaned so that is how I spent my morning...staring at the computer from hell and cleaning up after the dog from hell. Curse these things!
Until next time...
Suffice it to say I have had one high end IPOD jump into a lake, 1 brand new Blackberry (with no insurance I might add) vibrate its way off the kitchen counter into the dog's water bowl in the middle of the night, a NikonD80 decide to stop taking pictures and I can go on but will leave the rest up to your imagination.
I am at school right now, on a quick break because this keyboard actually works. I might add that Eric was absolutely unwilling to even think about helping me to salvage the accessories (my mouse decided to side with the keyboard and stop working as well). So, it seems I am on my own here. I think I am going to fast from computers again...maybe they need some time away from me. And the worst part is I am nice to them. I don't swear at them, I don't throw them around, bang on the keys and give them plenty of down time.
One more thing - OT - Lance peed on my dining room drape and floor this morning (or last night - not sure which) and yes, the pee went right down the duct (heating and air conditioning) so I am sure the entire house will reek like urine for the next 75 years. The drapes were, of course, custom made and sit right next to that silk rug. So, I actually thought about tying him to the shelter door and leaving him there, but Raechyl won't hear of it. The drapes cannot be drycleaned, only hand cleaned so that is how I spent my morning...staring at the computer from hell and cleaning up after the dog from hell. Curse these things!
Until next time...