Let me add just one small post here. I walked into my house this evening after being gone all day and the VERY FIRST thing I smelled is DOG URINE! I scrubbed, sprayed (ODO-BAN which kills even the worst smell) and it still smells. Now with that said, he did pee down the heating floor vent. I went so far as to take the vent cover off, scrub it and get as far down the duct as I could with scrubbing stuff and scrubbed like Cinderella (maybe Annie - she was made to shine the floors like the top of the Chrysler building, right?) and THEN I sprayed ODO-BAN down the vent until is was running like a snotty nose in the middle of the winter! AND IT STILL STINKS! If I could shove his fat old head down the vent to rub his nose in it I would! I need to add one more thing...my husband is hard of smelling and I have THE MOST sensitive nose of anyone I know. I can smell garlic at ten paces. I know when Eric drinks, eats anything with garlic and it doesnt' have to be right before he comes home. We have actually gone through his list of food because when he walks in the front door and I am in the kitchen, I already smell it (made changing my babies diapers really hard - honest it did). And once we go through the list we realize that he had some breakfast omlette with potatoes that apparently had garlic in them.
I blocked off the sunroom because of Lance destroying the room - I could no longer go in there ('member the post - bad dog?). Now I truly don't know what to do because as I sit here, my stomach is turning and I am going to have to rub Vicks Vapor Rub under my nose to sleep tonight~
Until next time...