It is like they hunt me down. The barn where we keep the horse has been there for the last 21 years or so (maybe more). Today I went to take inventory of the tack trunk. Rae wanted polo wraps and some other stuff and before we went, I thought I should see what we have since I never need tack...I don't ride much. Buddy is definitely a pet for me. Betadine, wraps, the necessities...more bits than one horse should own...a turnout sheet...a fly sheet...you know - more is better.
I decided to take the saddle pad home with the stall sheet to wash. Along with our grooming tools to take home to clean. Raech has her own saddle (and a nice one I might add). I share Donna's. Now after 4-5 years, I am still in a wicked learning curve with what is what. So I hunted Alex down to find out what the fly sheet and stall sheets were. Then I take what I need and load the car and at the last minute I remember my saddle. I thought, for sure, it needed cleaning and the cover definitely needed cleaning. So, I take the saddle cover off and was absolutley amazed at what I found...a birds nest. Yup, under the saddle cover and it was on the saddle itself. And it was the mother of all nests. It took up the entire seat - and for once I am not exaggerating! I could hardly believe my eyes. I looked inside and there were three little eggs that I have never seen before. Now clearly this nest has been there for the last two years (tells you the last time I rode) because it was solid and covered in feathers. The feathers were unidentifiable to me as well. I took pictures (facebook) and once again, got Alex. I showed her. She told me that in her 21 years there, she has NEVER seen a bird do that.
Of course not, I thought. This stuff you can't make up. So, I guess I won't be riding any time soon. I will keep an eye on them and once mommy is gone with babies also gone, I am chucking the nest and then will clean it all. I cannot even imagine what the saddle looks like under that nest (ugh). Then I went to the horse store and spent a small fortune on clothes that were needed, boots for Rae and a new helmet for her. Alright, I got a thing or two that wasn't really needed like charms for Buddy's halter, paint for his feet, saddle pad, polo wraps, bling for my phone and a few other things I think....
I now have a driveway full of things that need to be cleaned, a stall sheet and saddle pad in the washing machine, a saddle (Rae's) that needs cleaning and conditioning and a horse I never saw today....go figure!
Until next time...