Ok, now far be it for me to complain, it just isn't in my nature as evidenced by this blog site. We were slated to get a descent snow storm for a change. They estimated 8-12 inches last night for today, so I got smart. There was NO way I was going to end up with that jeep again. So, I did the unthinkable. I told Eric he HAD to take the jeep today and leave me his truck. He willing abliged. Whew!
I awoke this morning to a phone call at 5 am stating that school was cancelled...Yippee! I was tired anyway so I went back to bed. I awoke several hours later to see the beautiful snow piling up all around me. I made my nice little fire, got comfy and started to read my bible...
And that is when it hit me. It is snowing like a banchy out there - we MUST have over 6 inches already and it is 9:30 am...the jeep is gone and my van (I won't even go there) and the truck is in the driveway and there is not only nowhere I HAVE to go, but there is no where I CAN go because everything is either closed on Mondays (anywhere I would want to go, anyway) or is closed because of the storm.
Now I know God has a great sense of humor and this is proof positive. So, I will sit by my fire, blanket around me and bible in hand, and muse over the fact that the truck is in the driveway and I am stuck in the house.
I might just take that truck up the driveway just because I can! I think it will make me feel better. Until next time...