This wasn't even supposed to post...I didn't even write anything. I actually had some intention but I have been up way too long so this will have to wait another day or two. It will all make sense then.
Now I don't know about y'all, but our insurance runs out in December and starts all over again in January which means the deductable starts all over again. Those $35 prescriptions are now full price. So in January I went to pick up all my, my moms and Adams prescriptions that all happen to come due at the same time. I handed them 1900 prescriptions and told them I would come back for them later in the day. Now mind you, I am always the one who picks up the prescriptions but usually a few here then a few there and it had been a year since I last picked everything up at the same time.
Now I don't know about y'all, but our insurance runs out in December and starts all over again in January which means the deductable starts all over again. Those $35 prescriptions are now full price. So in January I went to pick up all my, my moms and Adams prescriptions that all happen to come due at the same time. I handed them 1900 prescriptions and told them I would come back for them later in the day. Now mind you, I am always the one who picks up the prescriptions but usually a few here then a few there and it had been a year since I last picked everything up at the same time.
I went food shopping. Went home, unloaded the groceries. Went to Costco. Came home again. Picked the kids up at school and drove the Brennan children home to their house and my kids at my house and went back out to pick up the prescriptions. The pharmacist puts the bagS (yes I did make that word plural) in front of me and has me sign for them all....run credit card thru the little slot and wait....and wait.....and wait.....
OH, finally. It rings up and she handed me a receipt to sign to the order of nearly $1800.00 I think the exact amount was something like $1782.00 (choke, spit out the gum that just slid to the back of my throat and choked me). And these are necessary meds - anti-seizure meds for me...pain/high blood pressure/bladder crap for my mom....prevacid for adam to avoid surgery and some as a result of a surgery I had a few years ago. HOLY HEAT BATMAN! I literally took the bag, walked three feet and sat down on the chair to catch my breath. Now, I complain about many things I am sure, but all I could think about are the people out there just like me - serious medical needs and they cannot get drugs to prolong their lives....what do they do? Oh, that's right....they now have Barak Obama to pass a bill so that we can pay for them. I forgot that one. He will be sure to take from the upper middle class in America and feed the poor (many by choice) to "straighten" out this country. As for me, I think it is just fine if people were not so damn greedy (AIG) to name one and all the other mortgage companies that wanted more and more. VP's making 7 figure bonuses and the company is tanking@
Oh, see, there it is again.....A.D.D. Wasn't I just talking about a pharmacy and now am ending with Barak Obama's "plan" to save the county from hunger and strife? Oh well....you all know me well enough by now to understand. The crux of it all was that I actually had to check my pulse to make sure I was still standing and alive when they gave me that bill!
It was, as a matter of fact, it was beating at about 190 bpm....a "tad" high but I hadn't fallen flat out yet so took advantage of the situation and headed at a full sprint to my car. Took the receipts when I got home and said to Eric, "Hi Honey...how was your day" and his response was "what happened?"...."Nothing (I add) I just wanted to see how your day went". He says "Spit it out....what did you do? Did you hit something with the car? Did you get a ticket? Did you leave one of our kids somewhere and you can't remember where? Just tell me". So I hand him the 27 inch long receipt from the pharmacy at which point he looks at me, looks down and walks away silent. I am never sure about that silence thing....good or bad? Good that he didn't come unglued, but bad that clearly he was hit so offguard that he couldn't figure anything intelligable to mutter. Either way, he is over it. I am over it. Each time I take a pill my mind says "$2.35 for that one, $1.25 for that one, etc"
until next time...