That's right, WCA. For those of you who aren't familiar with my newly appointed term, it mean's "Word Challenge Annonymous". Which is where I am headed as soon as I finish this post. I swear, after I play the game, I walk away and every time I hear a word, my fragile mind starts to scramble the letters to make new words. That is what I should blog...the ridiculous words my mind comes up with. And I don't know about you, but I have a hard time turning my mind off. It doesn't listen to me. It just keeps doing what it wants to do...sort of like my kids, my dog and my birds...hhhhmmmm...I am seeing a trend. So, my kids say "Mommy, my head is sore" and right away my mind goes "head, had, ade, hade....sore, rose, roe, roes. ros" and on and on. I tell it to stop, it goes on. Can you imagine what a conversation must be like after playing that stupid game! I think I can scramble any 6 letter word to make at least 15 words between 3 and 6 letters! And I think I am going to play for 20 minutes and next thing I know...yup...an hour has passed. So after a few weeks of this, I realized I need help. Just like an alcoholic or drug addict. Overeaters have their annonymous, adult children of alcoholics have their annonymous, alcoholics have their annonymous, why can't I have my annonymous?
So, there. WCA. Oh, it just dawned on me. If I am announcing to the nation here that I am part of "Word Challenge Annonymous" it really isn't annonymous is it? Nation...not, tan, ton, tin, nit...stop it! Dawned...dawn, wad, wed, wand, and, wade, awe, awed, dew...stop it! really....real, rye, yea, lare, lear, yare, year, ear, are.....STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, until next time....until....tin, lit, lint......................................