I was just thinking that I write like I talk. I tend to be long winded. I think all the females in my family were...then came Rae. She is quiet as a church mouse and Adam is the babbling brook. Perhaps that is why my mom and I butt heads. She talks ALL day long and my ears actually start to hurt. I feel like my brains are slowly leaking out my ears. Maybe they are - that would explain the memory lapse and my blonde moments. I thought I would write a short winded blog this time (already off to a bad start).
I just want to thank all my friends who have been so supportive. I think one of my girlfriends actually lost sleep, another already was ready to shave her head and yet another is going to fast and pray on Tuesday while another, who I wouldn't expect this reaction from, began to cry her little eyes out. This all made me think...maybe I should be worried? I'm not and I wonder why. I mean, I had one crying bout, but that was it...and really it was because I fell down my stairs - ALL the way down the stairs. The shaving of the head was pretty funny because I think she would actually be just as beautiful bald...like the 80's rock star (can't remember her name). I could NEVER do that....NEVER. So, thanks to all you girlfriends who continue to support me - even when I have my blonde moments, even when I go on sabbatical, even when I am cranky and especially when I face the unknown. Well, unknown to everyone but me - :0). I am feeling much better since the doc said the features look benign to him, regardless of what the digital things say....
So, my dear friends, thank you and I hope I can give you all just a small part of what you continue to give to me! Love you all very much!
I just want to thank all my friends who have been so supportive. I think one of my girlfriends actually lost sleep, another already was ready to shave her head and yet another is going to fast and pray on Tuesday while another, who I wouldn't expect this reaction from, began to cry her little eyes out. This all made me think...maybe I should be worried? I'm not and I wonder why. I mean, I had one crying bout, but that was it...and really it was because I fell down my stairs - ALL the way down the stairs. The shaving of the head was pretty funny because I think she would actually be just as beautiful bald...like the 80's rock star (can't remember her name). I could NEVER do that....NEVER. So, thanks to all you girlfriends who continue to support me - even when I have my blonde moments, even when I go on sabbatical, even when I am cranky and especially when I face the unknown. Well, unknown to everyone but me - :0). I am feeling much better since the doc said the features look benign to him, regardless of what the digital things say....
So, my dear friends, thank you and I hope I can give you all just a small part of what you continue to give to me! Love you all very much!