OK, what in the heck is a spew alert?
Now, according to "Urban Dictionary", the meaning is (and I quote), "Spew Alert:
To warn someone in the subject line of an email that they shouldn't read it with a mouthful of anything, or it might wind up on their screen, or keyboard..." Another site said this: "We need a Spew Alert symbol for the title or somewhere. We have spoiler alerts, smilies for every occasion, but no Spew Alert.I don't have money to keep buying new keyboards! And cleaning them is soooo time consuming!I need a warning! Please, just a little warning!" - that was more my speed...
I googled that and found a couple of other interesting things that were "tagged" spew alert...here are a few:
Obama in running for Nobel Peace Prize
Prof. Turner just said that terrorists may be imbedding messages in Viagra (who on earth is Prof. Turner and who cares because I will never be near viagra)
Clinton Says She Can Control Her Husband (scary thought worth spewing over)
Diebold: Because Democracy is too important to leave to chance (spew alert?)
Spew alert. Dregin are secretly the ducks and bunny hug the trees and barney type (now, this may as well be in French!)
And they went on and on. I got the point in the end...Spew alert...Warn me for heaven's sake so I don't make a complete idiot of myself when I am sitting at my desk at work, drinking my coffee, passing some time and come across something I find hilarious! It just makes for lies and more lies...I can just see (in my scary little head) something like this:
"Arrie, are you OK?"...(choke, wipe my nose of coffee and try to compose myself) "Um Hmm"..."what happened?" "nothin - just went down the wrong pipe"..."do you need anything?" "nope...just a tissue"..."I heard you choke and thought I heard you laughing"..."you did...I just happen to think choking is a bit funny"..."really???". At which point I would just continue to wipe off the screen, keyboard and shirt - hoping that no one in the course of the day asks me why I have coffee stains on my shirt. It, for me, would be like hearing Victoria (remember, my Cambodian friend) say something funny and just keep hitting the replay button for the next couple of days.
It was like when she told me about her traditional Cambodian wedding. They throw "baby plasm"...which DID make me choke. Who on earth would do such a thing. And she said it over and over. The more I asked "what??!!" she repeated "baby plasm". It was almost offensive to me, but to her, completely normal. I just couldn't stop asking "say it again". Until she finally got a piece of paper and wrote "baby blossums"...as in flowers...as in buds. Yup, baby flowers known to Cambodians as blossums...known to me as a friend of a Cambodian "baby plasm". I keep that one tucked in the recesses of my brain and every now and again, I hit the play button. It is always good for a chuckle. So for my new friend, Jen, who said I needed to put a spew alert on my blog, I will....Just for you, Jen!
Now, according to "Urban Dictionary", the meaning is (and I quote), "Spew Alert:
To warn someone in the subject line of an email that they shouldn't read it with a mouthful of anything, or it might wind up on their screen, or keyboard..." Another site said this: "We need a Spew Alert symbol for the title or somewhere. We have spoiler alerts, smilies for every occasion, but no Spew Alert.I don't have money to keep buying new keyboards! And cleaning them is soooo time consuming!I need a warning! Please, just a little warning!" - that was more my speed...
I googled that and found a couple of other interesting things that were "tagged" spew alert...here are a few:
Obama in running for Nobel Peace Prize
Prof. Turner just said that terrorists may be imbedding messages in Viagra (who on earth is Prof. Turner and who cares because I will never be near viagra)
Clinton Says She Can Control Her Husband (scary thought worth spewing over)
Diebold: Because Democracy is too important to leave to chance (spew alert?)
Spew alert. Dregin are secretly the ducks and bunny hug the trees and barney type (now, this may as well be in French!)
And they went on and on. I got the point in the end...Spew alert...Warn me for heaven's sake so I don't make a complete idiot of myself when I am sitting at my desk at work, drinking my coffee, passing some time and come across something I find hilarious! It just makes for lies and more lies...I can just see (in my scary little head) something like this:
"Arrie, are you OK?"...(choke, wipe my nose of coffee and try to compose myself) "Um Hmm"..."what happened?" "nothin - just went down the wrong pipe"..."do you need anything?" "nope...just a tissue"..."I heard you choke and thought I heard you laughing"..."you did...I just happen to think choking is a bit funny"..."really???". At which point I would just continue to wipe off the screen, keyboard and shirt - hoping that no one in the course of the day asks me why I have coffee stains on my shirt. It, for me, would be like hearing Victoria (remember, my Cambodian friend) say something funny and just keep hitting the replay button for the next couple of days.
It was like when she told me about her traditional Cambodian wedding. They throw "baby plasm"...which DID make me choke. Who on earth would do such a thing. And she said it over and over. The more I asked "what??!!" she repeated "baby plasm". It was almost offensive to me, but to her, completely normal. I just couldn't stop asking "say it again". Until she finally got a piece of paper and wrote "baby blossums"...as in flowers...as in buds. Yup, baby flowers known to Cambodians as blossums...known to me as a friend of a Cambodian "baby plasm". I keep that one tucked in the recesses of my brain and every now and again, I hit the play button. It is always good for a chuckle. So for my new friend, Jen, who said I needed to put a spew alert on my blog, I will....Just for you, Jen!