Victoria was over, remember my Cambodian friend? Well, she was over and wanted to make banana bread for Mina (that's my mom). So she got her stuff together and found my sister to ask her "where the all purpah flower" was...which of course, bewildered Terri. Terri just responded, "In the yard", which bewildered Victoria. Again, Victoria asked, "Terri, where is da all purpah flower?". Again, thinking Victoria must not have heard her, Terri pointed outside and repeated, "in the yard!", this time a bit more emphatically.
Once again, with a greater look of bewilderment and a bit frustrated, Victoria said, "Why you keep all purpah flower in da yard. It doesn't belong in yard". Terri insisted, "it sure DOES belong in the yard. Where else would you have it?" Victoria said, "in da kitchen". So, at this point, Terri pointed at the kitchen table because there happened to be a vase with purple Hydrangea's in it. Victoria just stared at her, apparently NOT knowing why Terri would be pointing to purple flowers. So, again, Victoria attempts to get her point across, thinking (like we all do) if she just talked slower and louder (if that is even possible!) Terri would finally understand, so she went at it again, "No, where is DA ALL PPUURRPPAAAAAHHHHHH FFLLOOWWEERRRRRRRR (rolling the r like only Victoria can do)". Now, unlike me, Terri doens't have patience with Victoria. Me personally....I think it is hysterical and I'm not going to say a word....I'm gonna let them figure it out...
So, now Terri is frustrated. Again, she points and now has a look of disgust on her face because clearly Victoria cannot understand simple english, "IN THE YARD! IN THE YARD! IN THE YARD!" With this, Victoria said it slower than before...."no, aaaaaalllllllllllllll puuuuuurrrrrrrrrr-pppppppaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ffffffllllllllloooooowwwwwwwweeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (rolling that r more than before".
So, now they are at a standoff. Neither understanding the other, both thinking the other is a MORON! So, finally Terri decides to go about it a different way, "Victoria, what do you want it for?". "Banana bread" she replies. Now, Terri is COMPLETELY stumped! BANANA BREAD! Who puts purple flowers in banana bread? Must be a Cambodian thing, but now Terri is thinking "maybe she means lavender". So, again, Terri points outside. By this point, Victoria is about to give up. One last time, she goes over to the bowl that she is preparing the bread ingredients in. She takes a measuring cup out, points to it, and says, "WHITE All Purpah Flower" (cus that was more clear than the last four hundred times she said it!) and Terri FINALLY has the light bulb come on...."Victoria, do you mean ALL PURPOSE FLOUR?!!!!!!!!!!" "YES! That what I say, ALL PURPAH FLOWER!"
Almost peeing my pants, I leave. Terri shaking her head at the craziness of it all. Victoria tickled to pieces that she can go ahead and make the bread cuz now she has her "white all purpah flower" and as for me, I am laughing so hard tears are streaming down my face, I'm running for the nearest bathroom so I DON"T pee my pants and head straight for the computer. Simply sweet Cambodian friend. I just love her to pieces. Unfortunately, I can barely go outside anymore and look at the purple flowers ALL around my yard without thinking of that fateful day where all poor Victoria wanted was to make some bread!
Until next time...l