Yesterday at Jiminy Peak, my famiy decided to not only do the fun mountain coasters and bungee stuff, but to also pay the difference and also do the ropes so much. It wasn't even an issue of my shoulder being strong enough, it was totally an issue of my feet being WAY too far off the ground for my liking.
So, off we all went. The first was the bungee-bouncee thingy (sounds like Raechyl, right?!) Bungee cords on top of a trampoline and they strap you up and lift you and off you go - doing whatever aeronautics your mind can come up with...however in doing so, Adam nearly chucked....OK, 'nuf of the bouncy thingy. Mountain coasters next. Then alpine slides...we did a bunch of those things then had lunch (more card playing). At 1:30 they went on the ropes course...for three hours.
Adam went for 2, Eric and Raechyl nearly 3. Adam was the first down...with a bad attitude of course. "Daddy yelled at me cuz I got tangled up in the cargo net...." (I'm sure that wasn't exactly what happened, but whatever). So Adam and I went out and played while Eric and Rae finished the ropes course. After another hour, Eric and Raechyl showed up....and Rae had rope burns on BOTH her arms! Both were BEET red and sweating, like they had just run a marathon. Whew! what I was thinking....thankful that I didn't sign up for the torture....I mean ropes course.
After a few more rides, we decided to go to the lodge and have dinner. Rae and I split a salad, Eric didn't eat at all and Adam had his usual....grilled cheese. When Rae lifted the fork to have some salad, she winced..."Ouch!"...C'mon...really???? Then when she put the fork to the lettuce, another "ouch"...NO WAY! And on and on it went. It hurt to: shuffle cards, deal cards, pick up a utensil, eat, drink, sit, stand, see how it went. At this point, I had to check my pulse in my wrist to make sure I wasn't going to have an anurism listening to all this. I'm pretty sure that my head hurt more than their arms and legs put together. And if I wasn't careful, I was pretty sure that blood was going to start oozing out of all my facial orafices if they kept this up....
It is two days later and while Rae stopped complaining yesterday, Eric was hard at it this morning as he stretched for a run....(lol). I must say that, knowing myself, I would still be unable to move or sleep or do much of anything, but don't tell them that. It is way more fun to assure them that if I had done it, I would have been fine....
Until next time....