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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mother of the Year Award AGAIN…..Takes some skill to win ths title more than once.

So with that said, I just figure I am keeping some future therapist employed by the time I get done with my kids.  JUST last night we had a conversation, both of them and myself, how I have done some funny things with them that might have scarred other kids and we actually laughed about their potential conversations in the future with some therapist.  Laughing the entire time.  We are a tight family and can poke fun at each other and ourselves and laugh about it.  Not even sure what the circumstances were yesterday but they were hypothetical.  Today they were real.

So last night I confirm that my kids have half day Wednesday (2 different schools).  This morning I got up, made Raechyl breakfast, saw her off to school and got Adam up and going.  As he fed and walked the dog, I made his lunch, got the backpack together and off we went.  I needed to be here between 2-4 for a delivery today and was panicked as I have to pick him up at 3.  So at about 11 I remember that I have no one to pick him up.  Made phone call after phone call and no one could get him.  I'm desperate.    Cannot think of anything…..I begin to panic.  It is 12:40 and my phone rings.  It is the school and I wonder if something happened to Adam (he DOES have a record of getting hurt - kind of the accident waiting for a place to happen).  But it wasn't the school, it was Adam.  "Mom?" he asks.  "Yes baby.  What's up?" I replied.  "Did you forget I had a half day all week?"……um…..now I'm faced with confirming my kids suspicion that they are going to end up in therapy or give him a bold faced lie…..what would any other mother do?  Well of course, avoid it all together…..Now mind you school let out at noon.  He has sat there 40 minutes before he calls.  "Oh Thank God Baby!  I'm on my way".  No worse for the wear.  However when he got in the car he asked again, "did you forget?".  Now I'm screwed.  Can't lie and already know he will keep some future therapist employed for at least a little while…..My reply…..(blame shift) "well, Adam, you SAW me pack your lunch and YOU put it in your backpack…..you NEVER said ANYTHING" at which point it dropped and we went on to the next conversation.

Skinned my way through that one.  But my guess is that it won't be the last time.  So once again, I am going for mother of the year award and hoping to NOT win the title for the second time…..

Until next time…..