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Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ineptitude...that was where I was going with that. Today I worked; half day really. I substitute teach for ACS. I got the call at 6:30 am. I had an appointment with my trainer at 9:30 for one hour which meant I could be there at 11:30. Deal.

I went to work out - which is always an event in and of itself. Suffice it to say that Mark and I are finally on the same page. I want to work out and he wants me to work out. I eat the garbage and he tells me it is garbage and belongs IN the garbage. I say it hurts and he makes me give him five more. If you think he sounds like a drill seargant, he isn't at all. He is rather meek in nature. About 6'4ish and about 295 pounds of pretty solid mass. He isn't all cut up (lean) but if he were to rip it up, he would be downright scary. However, he is soft spoken, rather succinct and just has a great sense of humor - so we get along just fine. I am long winded - him...not so much. I eat like garbage - him...not so much. I am deep in thought - him...not so much. I am sarcastic - him...yeah - he is too! So we are finally on the same page cause I actually want to show up now and look forward to the push. Side note: he finally told me that he hated me not wanting to come on "several levels...first because I want you to be healthy - second because I didn't give it my all and third (this floored me) because he felt like he was letting me down because he "failed" to motivate me"...I felt horrible. Here I am complaining when I am there that it hurts...I hate cardio...why do I have to do core work...and all along he felt like he was failing me because he hadn't found what motivates me! Now, that - in my mind - is what seperates him from the pack. He IS a trainer above all other trainers.

Okay - brought my work clothes to the gym to shower there and hit the road. I WAS smart enough, though, to take 2 different skirts and 2 different tops cause I was afraid one might not fit from last summer and sure enough - it didn't...AT ALL...(perhaps Mark might have a point about that garbage actually belonging IN the garbage and not my stomach)...I scurried around, found a blow dryer...threw on makeup...put some gel something or other in the hair...put 2 skirts on and 2 tops and settled for one of each with a jacket to cover it all! Now, Mark has never seen me in anything other than work out "who cares what I look like" clothes. I don't know about you, but I am NOT someone who has "nice" workout clothes. They are the same ripped sweats or shorts with the same sport shirts and I truly don't care what it looks like...I am there to lift, not to look good. So when I came out of the bathroom, he looked at me as if I were Superman coming out of the telephone booth! He did a double take and told me "I clean up nicely"...made me chuckle.

Then I go to teach. LOVE teaching, I truly do. I got there right before lunch. Walked the third grade class to lunch when one of the students, Alana, came up to me and said to me (with an "uncrustable" in her hand), "Mrs. Thieringer, my sandwhich is all hard". So I felt it and the only thing that was hard was the crust (on the uncrustable - does anyone other than me see the irony here?). So, I took it and said, "Alana, it is only the crust. I will peel off the crust and it will be fine." So Alana and I walk over to the garbage and I held the sandwhich over the can to peel off the crust - and you all know where I am going with this - I dropped the sandwhich in the garbage can. Now, for any other school it isn't a big one cause I could just buy her lunch, but we don't have a caffeteria. Hot lunches are bought in advance and brought in every day. So, I go on a mad hunt to get this poor girl lunch. Whew - got one and we are fine.

Fast forward to the afternoon and I am giving a history test. Three people at different times raised their hand and all asked me how to spell "Emperor". The third time I just told the class I would write it on the board so everyone willl know how to spell it and when I did, the class started giggling. I asked what was wrong and they informed me that I had just written the answer to question #3 on the board....UGH. Who knew? I explained that I had not seen nor gone over the test in advance and somehow managed to redeem myself for the second time in one day. Now, it was time to do science and if you know me - you KNOW what this does to me. I was supposed to go to the "lab" and do an experiment of some sort. I knew deep in my heart that the only thing that could come from this is NOT good, so I opted out. I decided to give them 1/2 hour free time (quiet free time) and then we reviewed for the Bible test tomorrow.

They are praying and hoping I will be the sub tomorrow, and why shouldn't they? I give out free lunches, give answers on tests and give free time because the word "science" makes me twitch.

Until next time...