While this isn't really a funny thing, I chuckle at the fact that I can get SO on my soapbox, in an attempt to defend God's injustices, that I can leave this planet...talk about platitudes.
This morning was no different. Eric came home from Florida and I would guess, after this morning, he had wished he had stayed in sunny Florida. We had a "disagreement" (well, actually more like me flipping my lid and him staying in control - I HATE that!) about finances...actually tithing. I became indignant over a difference of opinion...but hey, I was defending God...just in case He couldn't defend Himself - HHHEEELLLLLLLLOOO! Am I an idiot or what! So, right into orbit I went, again, with pious plattitudes about why, biblically, I was right. Pious enough, and high enough (that is the platitude part, right?) that all I accomplished is ticking Eric off and probably made him want to tithe even less for goodness sake.
And this isn't the first time I have left the planet over theological "errors". And I might add that they are ALWAYS someone else's. Hard to believe, isn't it. I NEVER find any theological errors of my own, though other people seem to think that there are some. But, hey, who am I to disagree. Oh, yeah, that is why this whole blog started, isn't it? The disagreement. Well, suffice it to say that there was no amicable ending. As a matter of fact, there WAS no ending at all. As usual, Eric and I parted ways ticked and it will be 4 years before we revisit it. Maybe that is why we are still married (smile). With all this said, I found it almost humorous that a friend emailed me to say that they admired my faith. I had to confess that I sometimes get caught up in the injustices of it all and just cause problems. Now, I know it is hard to imagine ME being combative, opinionated OR vocal about ANYTHING, but I can be. Not all the time, but once in a great while, I can express an opinion. NOT often, about as often as I have been wrong...nearly never!
So, as the day went on and I prayed like the dickens (whatever does that mean and where did that come from? See, more A.D.D.) I realized how UNgodly I was. How, in the end, it didn't matter AT ALL what anyone else did, all that mattered is what I did. And I blew it, again! And eating humble pie is something I don't really care for. I am more a mousse or peanut butter pie girl. So, I sit here having already eaten dinner, wondering how I can fit even a single piece of humble pie in my already filled up belly. Any suggestions?
Hhhmmm. I think I do not want to upset my stomache. I have eaten all I can for the day. Maybe I will wake up hungry...maybe not. Knowing me, probably not. I will save that humble pie for another day. It is a funny thing...my mousse or peanut butter pie seems to go bad if I don't eat it right away...not humble pie, though. It seems to stay fresh forever!~