I usually just sit down without much thought and just write...but not this time. I saw my friend Alicia today and loved the little time we had together. It just made me want to come home and share the story of how we met, but I had a busy day here and there and didn't get home until almost 5. Kids were wound up, Mina was hungry, dog's legs were crossed because he was about to pee on the kitchen floor, birds were talking all at the same time, so you can imagine how the atmosphere was when I walked in...not exactly the right time to do anything much less be expressive. Well, that isn't exactly true, I thought about being expressive, but what I wanted to express was that my brain felt like it was about to come oozing out my ears and every other orafice on my head!@
Then, the phone rang...it was Sharon. She wanted to ask me if I read my email, and of course, I hadn't. Our dear friend, Heather, is in the adoption process for the second time...last time from Russia (Siberia to be more exact) and this time from Africa (Ethiopia to be exact). Her boy is Elias and he is the most darling little boy you have ever laid eyes on. I will get to the email in a second...bear with me. This morning I saw Heather in Bible study and she didn't look the same to me. She really looked like she had lost that sparkle in her eye, or like she had been crying, or perhaps it really was nothing, but my spirit seemed unsettled with her...but, nonetheless, she had a brag book with new pictures of Elias...and what an angel he is. So we ooohhhed and aaahhhed over him, I revelled in awe of her and her heart for orphans and widows, even got a pang in my own heart which NEVER happens...I have NEVER felt drawn to adoption OR missions, and here I was wishing I could get on a plane and pick him up myself. So, I wondered how anyone could give their heart away to a child they don't even have yet...wondered IF their court date would be soon so that they would actually be awarded custody of baby Elias (while they know the child, they legally are not the custodians until the court date)...
Sharon told me that Heather had gotten a phone call this morning that the baby isn't eating formula and only eating starchy things which isn't good. In Africa, the bulk of the nutrients come from formula and not just simple starches like rice. Babies become malnourished and it can lead to death. Heather has a phone call into their international doctor to see if anything could be done from here. So, they wait.
I tried to post more than this, like what I felt God was speaking over my heart in this matter and actually wrote my prayers here. However, God would have it differently. I believe some days ago I wrote about my plan not being God's plan. My plan was to write it all down and have record of it...God's plan was clearly NOT for that to happen. I believe His plan WAS definitely for me to pray and pray hard...but just to Him. As I tried to save this again and again, it kept giving me "autosave failure" messages and for the life of me I could not figure out any other way to save it so I hit "publish post" and what was published was right up until "SO THEY WAIT"...
I nearly cried over the whole matter of losing all my personal thoughts and prayers so I got up and walked away. Well, it is some 2 hours later and I walked up to edit the post and looked up and saw "page" and "tools" and yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus...If I click on page I find I can "save as" text (or html) document on my personal hard drive or memory stick...so that is what I will do from now on.
So, my friends, I will know in the future to click "page" and "save as" text on a stick and then post. But for now, between me and my unbelievable God who workS miracles, we will go to bed having had the most heartfelt dialogue we have had in months...Him hearing my hearts cries, me knowing He listens and cares, and Heather...well she will just have to know I love her, I pray for her and God will work this out somehow in His good timing.
Then, the phone rang...it was Sharon. She wanted to ask me if I read my email, and of course, I hadn't. Our dear friend, Heather, is in the adoption process for the second time...last time from Russia (Siberia to be more exact) and this time from Africa (Ethiopia to be exact). Her boy is Elias and he is the most darling little boy you have ever laid eyes on. I will get to the email in a second...bear with me. This morning I saw Heather in Bible study and she didn't look the same to me. She really looked like she had lost that sparkle in her eye, or like she had been crying, or perhaps it really was nothing, but my spirit seemed unsettled with her...but, nonetheless, she had a brag book with new pictures of Elias...and what an angel he is. So we ooohhhed and aaahhhed over him, I revelled in awe of her and her heart for orphans and widows, even got a pang in my own heart which NEVER happens...I have NEVER felt drawn to adoption OR missions, and here I was wishing I could get on a plane and pick him up myself. So, I wondered how anyone could give their heart away to a child they don't even have yet...wondered IF their court date would be soon so that they would actually be awarded custody of baby Elias (while they know the child, they legally are not the custodians until the court date)...
Sharon told me that Heather had gotten a phone call this morning that the baby isn't eating formula and only eating starchy things which isn't good. In Africa, the bulk of the nutrients come from formula and not just simple starches like rice. Babies become malnourished and it can lead to death. Heather has a phone call into their international doctor to see if anything could be done from here. So, they wait.
I tried to post more than this, like what I felt God was speaking over my heart in this matter and actually wrote my prayers here. However, God would have it differently. I believe some days ago I wrote about my plan not being God's plan. My plan was to write it all down and have record of it...God's plan was clearly NOT for that to happen. I believe His plan WAS definitely for me to pray and pray hard...but just to Him. As I tried to save this again and again, it kept giving me "autosave failure" messages and for the life of me I could not figure out any other way to save it so I hit "publish post" and what was published was right up until "SO THEY WAIT"...
I nearly cried over the whole matter of losing all my personal thoughts and prayers so I got up and walked away. Well, it is some 2 hours later and I walked up to edit the post and looked up and saw "page" and "tools" and yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus...If I click on page I find I can "save as" text (or html) document on my personal hard drive or memory stick...so that is what I will do from now on.
So, my friends, I will know in the future to click "page" and "save as" text on a stick and then post. But for now, between me and my unbelievable God who workS miracles, we will go to bed having had the most heartfelt dialogue we have had in months...Him hearing my hearts cries, me knowing He listens and cares, and Heather...well she will just have to know I love her, I pray for her and God will work this out somehow in His good timing.